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Friday, 22 September 2017

Top Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

  Anjkreb       Friday, 22 September 2017

One of the most depressing sicknesses one could have is cold and flu, both present a great level of discomfort. Sickness isn’t fun especially when it is cold and flu they disrupt ones day and render the person miserable. 

Taking drugs most times does not necessarily drive the symptoms and the discomfort away; however with accurate home remedy one could overcome the stress of cold and flu
There are lots of home remedies that work for cold and flu but below are top remedies:

Hot Chicken soup
Research has suggested that taking a bowl of hot soup spiced with vegetable is a good choice if you have cold and flu. Chicken soup has been said to have effectively reduce the symptoms of flu as it help the neutropils a special white blood cell in the body that help fight infection and this helps to reduce and possibly eliminate the symptoms.

Humidify and use a warm compress
One way to quickly get rid of cold and flu is to breath in a moist and warm air. This can be done by boiling some water, pouring it a bowl and covering oneself with a blanket to inhale the warm gas. However placing a warm water compress on the forehead and the nose could also help in fighting off cold and flu

Gallic is a plant with enormous benefits, it possesses some level of antimicrobial properties that helps the body to fight infections.
Garlic contain a special type of compound call allicin, this in the diet help reduce the symptoms of cold and flu.

Vitamin C
While this could come in different form, vitamin C has been known to possess enormous health benefit. Its action against cold and flu is active and benefiting. 
Vitamin C plays an important role in the body, while it can be found in drinks, oranges, lemon, lime and vegetables.  This in the diet also helps fight upper respiratory tract infection and help the body to fight off diseases.
Fresh juice squeeze out of lemon or lime dropped into a warm tea is very active in reducing the symptoms of cold and flu.

A few ginger root boiled in hot water has been scientifically proven to have curative properties, and this can be applied to cold and flu. A research on ginger has shown it can lessen the symptoms of sickness

Honey is known to have medicinal properties. Taking honey with warm tea and some lemon juice can ease the symptoms of cold and flu.
This helps improve the respiratory tract surface and lessen the pain. However honey is also a good fit in suppressing cough when given to the patient.
However caution should be observed when honey is to be given to infants and young children as it might not be too good for them because of their immune system action

Warm salt water
When fighting sore throat, cold and flu. Warm salt water could be of enormous important. Boil about 1 liter of  water and add some little quantity of salt about 1 tea spoon to the water , mix the solution properly and gaggle.
This helps reduce nasal congestion and loosens the mucus that contains bacteria and allergies responsible for the sickness.

Take a warm bath
Taking a warm bath is also good when fighting off cold and flu, this help the body get warm and maintain a favorable body temperature that reduce the action of cold and flu causing germs. Adding some essential materials could also be benefiting the body.
Add a little Epsom salt and baking soda to reduce body aches, and adding some other products like eucalyptus and rosemary oil is also beneficial to the body.

These are live microorganism bacteria and yeast that are good for the body. They function like antibiotic drugs to fight infection when one is sick; they also help balance the body bacteriological environment.
When probiotics are taken they keep the throat and the immune system in good shape to help fight sicknesses like cold and flu. They are found in foods like yogurt.

Some herbs like Echinacea is been used since several years to treat infections. They are also good when it comes to cold and flu as they are medicinal and good for the body.


Thanks for reading Top Home Remedies for Cold and Flu

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