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Saturday, 9 September 2017

Most deadliest and powerful earthquakes of the last Century

  Anjkreb       Saturday, 9 September 2017

After the resent magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Mexico, here is a quick look at the deadliest earthquakes that occurred in the past century across the world.

Chile, 1960: Magnitude 9.5
The world was in awe when a magnitude 9.5 earthquake strikes the southern America country of Chile in May 1960, the earthquake lasted for about 10 minutes. The most powerful to be recorded in the country that killed about 5,700 people and the resulting tsunami was felt in Japan and Hawaii leaving 130 and 61 people dead respectively.

Alaska, 1964: Magnitude 9.2
The United State city of Alaska was in devastation after a magnitude 9.2 earthquake hits the city in March 1964. This is the largest earthquake to ever be recorded in the United States. It Stokes the William Sound area with a resultant tsunami that causes about 123 death after the hit.

Japan, 2011: Magnitude 9.1
In 2011 Japan experienced a mind blowing devastation after a magnitude 9.1 earthquake hits the country. The earthquake leaves about 18,500 people dead after triggering a deadly tsunami and this results in the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and triggers the world's worst atomic disaster of the past years.

Indonesia, 2004: Magnitude 9.1
Another Asian region country on the list is Indonesia. In 2004, the world was at a still when the news broke of the massive destruction, devastating ans death the Indonesian earthquake had caused. In December 2004 the Samatra cost in Indonesia was struck by the massive earthquake killing about 168,000 Indonesian and unleashed a tsunami that killed about 220,000 people in surrounding countries around the Indian ocean. This earthquake was one of the deadliest and its still fresh in the memory.

Russia, 1952: Magnitude 9.0
In 1952, Russia experienced a great earthquake of magnitude 9.0. The earthquake hits the Siberian Kamchatka peninsula of the country leaving a massive destruction and causing death of about 2,300 people. The earthquake also caused a tsunami that was felt in Chile and Peru respectively.

Chile, 2010: Magnitude 8.8
Chile with the second earthquake on the list. In 2010 Chile was struck with a magnitude 8.8 quake that killed about 450 people. The earthquake was so intense that its resultant tsunami was felt across the Pacific.

China, 1920: Magnitude 8.3
In the early 20th century in the northern Ningxia of china, a magnitude 8.3 earthquake was recorded in killing about 235,000 people. The earthquake was so deadly that its aftershocks was felt for several years.

China, 1976: Magnitude 7.4
China in 1976 experienced a deadly earth quake with magnitude 7.4. The earthquake strikes near the industrial northeastern Hebei Chinese city of Tangshan. The death resulting from the quake devastation killed more than 242,000 people. However some report claimed that the death toll is more than the official numbers.

Haiti, 2010: Magnitude 7.0
In 2010, Haiti suffered a masses destruction caused by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that reportedly killed over 200,000 people. The devastation was felt for several months.

Thanks for reading Most deadliest and powerful earthquakes of the last Century

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